My first prac I did a week down at Mirravale horse riding school in Dunsburough, which is about a 2.5 hour drive south from Perth. David and I went down a day early and did some camping before he dropped me off for the week. Below are some pictures of our trekking around the area as well as some shots from my prac. It was a really good week, everyone was really nice! They gave me money to buy groceries for brekkie and lunch and then they cooked for dinner each night. There was another girl staying there, from Denmark (the country... there's also a Denmark, Western Australia so clarification is needed) who was working as both an au pair and at the riding school.
It was the same work everyday, which went about like this: Get up, bring in the horses from the back paddocks, feed them, get selected horses ready for first ride/lesson of the day by brushing and applying tack. Break bread (they get donated bread each day from the local bakery that they break and let sit in the sun so it hardens for the horses to eat), help get customers ready for their ride, when they come back, help them off, take tack off horses, brush them, exchange for horses for the next ride etc.
That's about it. It was really neat though, I got pretty good at brushing and putting tack on/taking it off. I learned a lot, and got to see a lot of the different personalities of the horses.

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