Since I last talked to you a lot and not much has happened. Overall things have been work, school, and studying, BUT there have been occurrences amongst the normal.
17. Mai
On May 17th I went into Perth and celebrated Norway's independence day, which was lovely. We had a little parade in the streets and my friend Kristine made bøller (cinnamon rolls) and vaffle (waffles) to sell (she's part of the ANSA committee (organization for Norwegians in Australia). We sang the national anthem, and had pølse (hot dogs) from IKEA (so Swedish ones... close enough). :P
Funny enough some of my activist friends (who I went up north with) were there protesting Perth wanting to get rid of their homeless (I don't know the details on it yet) and they just happened to meet up in the same park as we were in. :P
I also met two Norwegian girls who were backpacking. They were very nice and I had a really good time being able to speak Norwegian that day. :)

Another big piece of news is that my friends back in VIC, Christine and Ash, have found David and I a car and I am sending her payments for it as we speak! It's a VS Holden Commodore, which should be a good reliable car, and if something does go wrong with it at some point, parts are cheap. :) They sent me some pics.
Random, but whilst I was procrastinating one day by watching previews for movies online, I had to laugh at this. These are two completely different movies that just happened to be placed next to each other on the list of movies, and it totally looks like it's her hand. :P What are the odds.

In that time I have also been to a few birthday parties, one being my friend Oli's 23rd, which was 90's themed. Oli and Lauren (another 1st year friend) are now dating, so that's exciting! :D

And the other being my friend Aimee's 21st (also 1st year vet with me, and who I met Oli through). :)

Probably the most exciting thing I did was go to Penguin Island, off the coast of Rockingham (two train stops South of Cockburn Central Station... where I get off to go home) to help with penguin nest box monitoring! I will save that experience for a separate post though. Here's a small taste! :D
I must also say that yesterday I bought a heated blanket for my bed, and I applied the second doona (comforter) to my bed, so now I should be nice and toasty. It's been getting quite chilly outside... and because Australian houses don't have insulation and many (including mine) don't have heating anywhere except the living room, thus very cold inside as well.
And now I will leave you to get showered and continue studying. Here are some pictures to brighten your day. :)
(Me holding kittens at work, Perth Bells, Morning sunrise on my street, kitten from work, UWA at night).

9 days until David gets here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Cassie :D
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