Welcome to David and Cassie's blog about our living and learning in Perth, Australia! I am glad that you decided to journey along with us! I know that I am starting this a bit early (about a year early) but we have a lot of stuff to do to get ready to go down under, so I thought I would document those times as well. I was just thinking to myself the other day that it sure will be nice to settle down in one spot again for a while. Both of us (but especially me... Cassie) have been bouncing around a lot really since beginning college! We will be in Australia for roughly 5 years, so not longterm, but certainly long enough to consider it "settling" for a while. :P I look forward to this new adventure in our lives, and I hope that you enjoy this blog! I am sure it will be a good stress reliever during those homework packed times. :P That is if we get time to write! Hehe!
Until next post!